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Utah DCFS update

Good Evening All!

I have been having mixed emotions about what has been going on when it comes to DCFS. I find that the problem does not fall strictly on one organization, but rather multiple government agencies. My husband and I have been lied to, my parents (who have my oldest 2) have been manipulated, and in the end the conclusion is that the state gets what they want because they are willing to stoop to unbelievable lows in order to reach their goal.

Every year DCFS is given funding that allows for their mass destruction of families. In order for the program to gain funding, they must remove a certain number of children from homes to sustain the budget. Not only this, but if you look in the DCFS manual, you will notice that they also get an "incentive bonus" for the adoption of children away from their families.

Let me tell you some things about me and my family. My husband and I are veterans, we both are college educated, we own our above average house, our children have grown up at Disneyland, we have a huge supportive family that lives comfortably, and yet DCFS still finds anything and everything wrong with each portion of our life in order to deem us inappropriate suitors for our children due to injuries that have been supposedly non-accidental based upon opinion, and have the potential to be from an underlying medical issue.

At my recent hearing, I had the honor to sit across from a caseworker who continuously rolled her eyes, smirked, and in my "opine" (which has been a word that the prosecution has been so fond of) expresses inappropriate behavior. The DCFS manual states that "siblings at risk" which are what my oldest two are considered, must be assessed face to face by a DCFS caseworker. The caseworker failed to do so, in which case the kids were picked up by capable and willing grandparents, and taken to Nevada to help us focus on our youngest while he was in the hospital. In my eyes, she essentially allowed them to leave the state. If she had abide by their own policies, all of the jurisdiction issues could have been taken care of from the start.

The state of Utah and the state of Nevada have had to come to some sort of conclusion as to who had jurisdiction of the kids, and whether or not they are going to send them back to this God awful state or keep them safe in Nevada. Interesting story here. This morning was a "judicial review". This is where both judges from each state call each other on the record to see if they can settle the issue at hand. My mothers attorney was not notified, my parents were not notified, and the AG in Utah stated to my attorney that his office did in fact contact my parent's attorney.

Come to find out, there is no phone record of the AG's office contacting my parent's attorney. In fact, the Nevada scheduler was told that she should not notify the attorney of the meeting until after the review was complete. Now maybe I'm messed up, or does this sound a little off? The review if you can call it that ended in Nevada agreeing that the children should be brought back. Again, maybe I'm messed up, but why would you take the kids out of a solid home with people they love and know in order to bring them back to Utah so they can be subjected to the emotional and psychological abuse of the system who believes the best interest of the child is to be placed in a foster home rather than with the grandparents. I am beginning to recognize flaws in the system, discrepancies, and weak links.

I notice everything. The Marine Corps gave me a special set of skills (in my best Liam Neeson voice), one of these would be attention to detail. I have predicted most moves that DCFS and the AG planned to make, and I see through all their bull that they are trying to pitch to everyone. They love to play a tactfully dirty game. This game is similar to chess, and I'm catching up. First you find out the rules to the game, then you play it better than everyone else. Check!

What I know for sure is that I have my moments of weakness, I am human, I break down. I brought life to 3 beautiful children. I might not have ALL the resources, I have been roadblocked more times than ever, and I have seen the amount of animosity and frustration the state has when parents actually make them earn their paycheck. Through all of this however, I have found this sense of fearlessness that I have never known before. I have felt as though I cannot take anymore, I dug deeper, and found my voice. I have always been afraid to speak in public, and be the center of attention, but I have come to love it, because that means that I am making a point.

Adapt and overcome is one of the most common phrases thrown around in the Marine Corps. I finally feel as though I have adapted to my current situation. Now it's time to overcome. If you are going through this fight, it is an uphill battle, and they will destroy you if you give them the chance. I know for a fact my husband and I are innocent, but they took my kids anyways, and in return, I will fight with every ounce of my being. You cry, then you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, claw your way out of this hell hole, and get through it. There is no other way. You can just get through it, or you can blow a fucking hole in their all their lies and accusations, and go through that way.

"A lion never loses sleep over the opinion of the sheep." In my case "opine". Be the lion, and tear their heads off. No one is going to do it for you! Become obsessed with success.



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