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Hello everyone,

My post today is more about resources. Below I will provide some information that I have used to help me better understand the process, and that have helped my husband and I in pointing out discrepancies, and how I have used these. First and foremost I would like to say that I am not an attorney by any means, however, I am a freak in that I love research. My personal mentality no matter where I am, or what I am doing, I have always been the person who asks why? I am always the person who when someone explains a company guideline, policy, procedures, ect. I want to know where I can find that information.

DCFS in Utah, and I am pretty sure in all states, has posted their manual for the public. I find this to be a great tool. This manual for Utah is 111 pages long, and I have printed it out, picked it apart, and read every word within the manual. I have provided a link specific to Utah below. I suggest if you are going through this process, that you be aware of all of the policies that are in place in order to ensure that this organization is taking the appropriate measures when handling your situation.

You can also find the ethics manual for social workers on the government websites. In Utah, DOPL has the link to where you will find the ethical code of conduct and manual that goes with that. If it is beneficial to you to look up that manual, again, print it out, highlight, and point out every violation that you have encountered would be in my opinion a good reference.

Now I said before, I am not an attorney, so if you are not an attorney hire good ones! If you skip out on a good attorney, in my experience, you are sunk. Without a doubt! Find someone who is not afraid of this system, someone who will point out everything, someone who is going to work for the money you just provided. They aren't cheap, but they are worth it.

The manual I am providing a link for below is about DCFS. Who they are, what they do, and my personal favorite portion, the Adoption Incentive Payment. Apparently, when DCFS has children adopted into the community they receive a bonus! Isn't that fun for them?! It is disbursed through budgeting grants, and it is provided in a timely manner. At least that's what the manual says. Sorry, that was just a side note.

Now, being as hindsight is 20/20, when DCFS first showed up to speak with my husband and I, silly us, we thought they were there to help. So we spoke with them, as well as law enforcement thinking that they were going to help us find out what is going on with our son, provide us with resources to help us get through this difficult time, and actually listen to what we had to say. Well looking back I wish I had read this article prior to ever speaking to anyone because it turns out, they were there to destroy my life. The link I provided below is to a blog with the dos and don't when it come to CPS.

Now specifically to Utah this advocate gives a great background of the organization, intentions, and their basis of why they do what they do.

And an article....

Now back to my story. I have been informed that they judge that heard my case in Nevada, the judge that our Utah judge had a "review" with, the judge that is going to make the decision to send my children back from Nevada where their loving grandparents have been caring for them, is also the same judge who declined to an on camera interview with the local news station because of a very tragic event. Let me summarize it for you because it's very interesting that she is still a child welfare judge. If your in Nevada listen up. Judge Amy Mastin denied a woman, who was filing for divorce from her abusive husband, a restraining order. She said that the restraining order did not meet the requirements, which was later deemed that it did, but anyways... She denied the woman the restraining order, and a month later, the husband killed the woman, three children, and then took his own life. So clearly you can see that safety of children is the number 1 priority of government officials, again, my "opine". Read for yourself:


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