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Bravo Utah

Well hello hello....

Today has been interesting to say the least. In my previous blog posts I have rambled on and on about the wrong doings of DCFS, and their relentless nature when it comes to stealing children. My parents, who as I have previously described, have my two oldest children in Nevada. Utah has insisted that my parents have yet to take the appropriate measures to be "allowed" to have the children in their care. Well the tables have turned, and I would say that the state of Utah is not happy.

My parents have hired an attorney who has established his reputation based upon cases like this, and it is close to flawless. Last week Utah had a UCCJEA conference call with the Nevada judge, who mind you has absolutely no say in anything because she is a commissioner. The commissioner was not thrilled when my parents and their attorney showed up to their expedited hearing for guardianship where she was informed of her inability to make any ruling on the case. She can make recommendations for the judge to decide the future of my children.

This case has nothing to do with UCCJEA, and has everything to do with the placement of the children being already pre-selected prior to even being served papers by DCFS. My husband and I knew that our son was going to be in the hospital for a while, and it was our decision to send them to reside with family. The choice for placement had already been decided prior to the invasion of DCFS.

Utah DCFS was informed that the kids would be at the hearing today. Apparently they flew out to Nevada because the plan was that CPS in Nevada would intercept the children at the hearing, Utah DCFS would meet them to pick up the children, and then fly them back to Utah leaving my parents blindsided, and with no reason to continue to fight for guardianship. At least this is how any logical person would interpret their actions, and also someone who knows just how unbelievably aggressive they are and persistent in snatching up children. Ahhh Ahhh Ahhh Utah. There is a process to this ordeal.

I doubt I am the first to say this, but we trust these people with the children in our communities! Why? I promise you, if you fight this system, you will face incredible lows, an uphill battle, and loneliness. In return, if you don't give up, you might fucking win! Now I am not out of the woods, but I have a strong feeling I am on to something. I have known no greater will power and dedication to something than I have expressed through my case. I have seen the corruption, I have encountered lies, and I have seen social workers so upset and express such inappropriate behavior that I have found comfort in it. It's actually very fucked up, but I have risen to a place where I have begun to love going to court, because I know I am right, and they have stripped me of my kids, so I have come to a place where I have been hardened and have nothing else to lose, why let up now?

If the state is not going to respect the legal process, then who is? If the state is not held accountable for their actions, then who is going to make it public? If the government hides itself in their loopholes, their lies, and their immunity from being held accountable, then what is it going to take to have justice for the children in this community, as well as the parents? I don't think there is ANYONE speaking out against the wrong doings of the government when it comes to agencies such as DCFS, CPS, or whatever other name they hope to use to take away from the animosity that surrounds them. This blog only reaches so many, but I will say this, the government has chosen me. They have chosen my family. The decided that this family was going to be the one that they would take to court, win, and steal my children. Guess what? I am also the one who has nothing more to lose.

If you are going through this it's time to stand up for yourself. Time to hold the correct people accountable. Long after this is all said and done, I won't be putting the breaks on trying to reach out to the correct people to reform this agency, I won't stop requesting an audit be done, and I won't stop trying to raise awareness about this. I have absolutely no intentions on letting up. Because they chose me, they are also choosing to defend their organization. I don't quit. It's not who I am.

Stay motivated.



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