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Showing posts from 2016

Parental Fitness Exams

We have much to catch up on, but first and foremost let me discuss Parental Fitness Exams. Before my husband and I had to have our mental capacity for parenting tested by a psychologist, I did a lot of research on PFE's, and there isn't very much information about what it is, how it work, and the results. Let me start with the process: 1. If the state requires you to complete a parental fitness exam as part of your "safety plan" they will pay for it, which is great because they cost on average about $2500 a piece, the not so great part is that you have to use THEIR psychologist. 2. You make an appointment that you can complete all in one shot, which is what we did, or you can break it up into multiple sections, but you are on their time, so be cautious of deadlines. 3. When you go in for the testing portion it takes around 5 to 6 hours give or take how quickly you can read, comprehend, and circle the little Scranton bubbles. 4. After your completion o...

One of those days.....

Today I want to touch base on feelings. If you are going through this you will learn this is a marathon of constant emotional changes. As the rain pours against my window, it is almost as if the weather has predicted my emotional state this morning. I lie in bed questioning what type of mood I will be in today. My husband makes grilled cheese and tomato soup, and it instantly takes me back to when I would whip this signature dish up for my children. I cut their sandwich into halves, then again to make make four small squares. My daughter immediately opens the bread and eats the cheese, and my son dunks his right into his soup. I snap back into the present leaving me gazing into my soup, and experience an immediate loss of appetite. My mind is swirling with memories back to when my biggest issues were passing finals week as little feet parade through the house. I walk back to my room and climb back under the covers of my bed. Sex and the City is on TV which it is nice to be an outsi...

Bravo Utah

Well hello hello.... Today has been interesting to say the least. In my previous blog posts I have rambled on and on about the wrong doings of DCFS, and their relentless nature when it comes to stealing children. My parents, who as I have previously described, have my two oldest children in Nevada. Utah has insisted that my parents have yet to take the appropriate measures to be "allowed" to have the children in their care. Well the tables have turned, and I would say that the state of Utah is not happy. My parents have hired an attorney who has established his reputation based upon cases like this, and it is close to flawless. Last week Utah had a UCCJEA conference call with the Nevada judge, who mind you has absolutely no say in anything because she is a commissioner. The commissioner was not thrilled when my parents and their attorney showed up to their expedited hearing for guardianship where she was informed of her inability to make any ruling on the case. She can ma...


Hello everyone, My post today is more about resources. Below I will provide some information that I have used to help me better understand the process, and that have helped my husband and I in pointing out discrepancies, and how I have used these. First and foremost I would like to say that I am not an attorney by any means, however, I am a freak in that I love research. My personal mentality no matter where I am, or what I am doing, I have always been the person who asks why? I am always the person who when someone explains a company guideline, policy, procedures, ect. I want to know where I can find that information. DCFS in Utah, and I am pretty sure in all states, has posted their manual for the public. I find this to be a great tool. This manual for Utah is 111 pages long, and I have printed it out, picked it apart, and read every word within the manual. I have provided a link specific to Utah below. I suggest if you are going through this process, that you be aware of all of ...

Utah DCFS update

Good Evening All! I have been having mixed emotions about what has been going on when it comes to DCFS. I find that the problem does not fall strictly on one organization, but rather multiple government agencies. My husband and I have been lied to, my parents (who have my oldest 2) have been manipulated, and in the end the conclusion is that the state gets what they want because they are willing to stoop to unbelievable lows in order to reach their goal. Every year DCFS is given funding that allows for their mass destruction of families. In order for the program to gain funding, they must remove a certain number of children from homes to sustain the budget. Not only this, but if you look in the DCFS manual, you will notice that they also get an "incentive bonus" for the adoption of children away from their families. Let me tell you some things about me and my family. My husband and I are veterans, we both are college educated, we own our above average house, our childre...
Hello all, You don't know me, and neither does Utah's DCFS, but I have created this blog in hopes that you will get to know me better than the system has attempted to. My name is Sydney Claxton-Martinez. I have many roles that I play in my life. I am a mother, a wife, a United States Marine, a daughter, a sister, and so forth. A more recent title that has been thrusted upon my husband and I has been child abuser. August 4, 2016 has gone down as one of the worst days of my life. Upon waking up, and attempting to feed my 6 week old child (at the time), I noticed that his right arm and right leg were twitching. I monitored him for about 10 minutes, called my in laws to get my older two, and rushed my son to the hospital. Upon arrival to the hospital a CT scan was done of my son’s head. The doctor came up to me and explained to my surprise that my son had multiple skull fractures and bleeding of the brain. He explained that my son needed to be transferred to a different ho...