Today I want to touch base on feelings. If you are going through this you will learn this is a marathon of constant emotional changes. As the rain pours against my window, it is almost as if the weather has predicted my emotional state this morning. I lie in bed questioning what type of mood I will be in today. My husband makes grilled cheese and tomato soup, and it instantly takes me back to when I would whip this signature dish up for my children. I cut their sandwich into halves, then again to make make four small squares. My daughter immediately opens the bread and eats the cheese, and my son dunks his right into his soup. I snap back into the present leaving me gazing into my soup, and experience an immediate loss of appetite. My mind is swirling with memories back to when my biggest issues were passing finals week as little feet parade through the house. I walk back to my room and climb back under the covers of my bed. Sex and the City is on TV which it is nice to be an outsi...
This blog provides information to families who are facing the scrutiny of the family courts.